Source code for rfbp.magnetization

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import operator as op
from functools import reduce
from scipy.special import erf
from functools import singledispatch
from import Iterable
from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation.rfbp.Mag import BaseMag
from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation.rfbp.MagP64 import MagP64
from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation.rfbp.MagT64 import MagT64
from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation.rfbp.atanherf import atanherf

__author__  = ["Nico Curti", "Daniele Dall'Olio"]
__email__   = ['', '']

def _check_mag (x, cls=BaseMag):
  if not isinstance(x, cls):
    raise ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be a Mag')

[docs]def lr (x): ''' log1p for magnetizations Parameters ---------- x : float Input variable Returns ------- res : float value computed as log1p(exp(-2*abs(x))) Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> assert >= 0. ''' return np.log1p(np.exp(-2 * np.abs(x)))
[docs]@singledispatch def sign0 (x): ''' Sign operation valid also for magnetizations Parameters ---------- x : float Input variable Returns ------- res : float sign evaluated as 1 - 2*signbit(x) Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> m = MagP64(x) >>> assert mag.sign0(x) in (-1, 1) >>> assert mag.sign0(-x) == 1 >>> assert mag.sign0(m) in (-1, 1) ''' return 1 if np.sign(x) else -1
@sign0.register(BaseMag) def _ (x): return 1 if np.sign(x.mag) else -1
[docs]def zeros (x): ''' Fill array of magnetizations with zeros Parameters ---------- x : array-like Input array or list of Mag objects Returns ------- None Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> mags = [MagP64(_) for _ in range(10)] >>> mag.zeros(mags) >>> assert all((i.mag == 0 for i in mags)) >>> >>> l = 3.14 >>> mag.zeros(3.14) ValueError('zeros takes an iterable object in input') >>> >>> l = [MagP64(3.14), x] >>> mag.zeros(l) ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be an iterable of Mags') ''' if not isinstance(x, Iterable): raise ValueError('zeros takes an iterable object in input') if not all(isinstance(i, BaseMag) for i in x): raise ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be an iterable of Mags') for i in x: i.mag = 0.
[docs]@singledispatch def zero (x): ''' Set magnetization to zero Parameters ---------- x : Mag object Input variable Returns ------- None Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> m = MagP64(3.14) >>> >>> >>> assert m.mag == 0. >>> assert m.value == 0. >>> ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be a Mag') ''' raise ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be a Mag')
@zero.register(BaseMag) def _ (x): x.mag = 0.
[docs]@singledispatch def mabs (x): ''' Abs for magnetization objects Parameters ---------- x : Mag object Input variable Returns ------- abs : float The absolute value of the input Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> assert mag.mabs(MagP64(x)) >= 0. >>> assert mag.mabs(MagP64(-x)) >= 0. >>> assert mag.mabs(MagP64(-x)) == mag.mabs(MagP64(x)) >>> >>> mag.mabs(x) ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be a Mag') ''' raise ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be a Mag')
@mabs.register(BaseMag) def _ (x): return np.abs(x.mag)
[docs]def copysign (x, y): ''' Flip magnetization sign if necessary Parameters ---------- x : Mag object Input variable to check y : float Varibale from which copy the sign Returns ------- m : Mag object The corrected mag object Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> m = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> >>> x = mag.copysign(m, x) >>> assert x.mag == m.mag >>> >>> x = mag.copysign(-m, x) >>> assert x.mag == m.mag >>> >>> x = mag.copysign(m, -x) >>> assert x.mag == -m.mag >>> >>> x = mag.copysign(-m, -x) >>> assert x.mag == -m.mag ''' _check_mag(x) return -x if np.sign(x.mag) != np.sign(y) else x
[docs]@singledispatch def arrow (m, x): ''' Arrow operator of original code Parameters ---------- x : Mag object Input variable y : float Input variable Returns ------- m : Mag object The result of the operator Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> m = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> >>> x = mag.arrow(m, x) >>> assert isinstance(x, MagP64) >>> >>> >>> y = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> mag.arrow(x, y) ValueError('m must be MagP64 or MagT64') Notes ----- .. note:: The computation of the arrow operator is different from MagP64 and MagT64. - In MagP64 the computation is equivalent to mtanh(x * arctanh(m)). - In MagT64 the computation is equivalent to mtanh(x * m) ''' raise ValueError('m must be MagP64 or MagT64')
@arrow.register(MagP64) def _ (m, x): return MagP64.mtanh(x * np.arctanh(m.mag)) @arrow.register(MagT64) def _ (m, x): return MagT64.mtanh(x * m.mag)
[docs]def logmag2p (x): ''' Log operation for magnetization objects Parameters ---------- x : Mag object Input variable Returns ------- m : Mag object The result of the operation Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> >>> x = mag.logmag2p(MagP64(0.)) >>> assert np.isclose(x, np.log(.5)) >>> >>> x = mag.logmag2p(MagT64(-1.)) >>> assert np.isinf(x) ''' return np.log( (1 + x.mag) * .5)
[docs]@singledispatch def damp (newx, oldx, l): ''' Update magnetization Parameters ---------- newx : Mag object Update magnetization value oldx : Mag object Old magnetization value l : float Scale factor Returns ------- m : Mag object The result of the update computed as newx * (1 - l) + oldx * l Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> m = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> n = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> >>> mx = mag.damp(m, n, x) >>> my = mag.damp(n, m, 1. - x) >>> assert np.isclose(mx.mag, my.mag) >>> assert np.isclose(mx.value,m y.value) >>> >>> mx = mag.damp(m, n, 0.) >>> assert np.isclose(mx.mag, m.mag) ''' raise ValueError('Both magnetizations must be the same')
@damp.register(MagP64) def _ (newx, oldx, l): _check_mag(oldx, cls=MagP64) return MagP64( newx.mag * (1. - l) + oldx.mag * l ) @damp.register(MagT64) def _ (newx, oldx, l): return MagT64.convert( newx.value * (1. - l) + oldx.value * l)
[docs]@singledispatch def bar (m1, m2): ''' Diff of magnetizations Parameters ---------- m1 : Mag object Input variable m2 : Mag object Input variable Returns ------- m : Mag object The result of the diff as (m1 - m2)/(1 - m1 * m2) clamped to [-1, 1] if MagP else m1 - m2 Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> >>> m = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> n = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> >>> mx =, n) >>> my =, m) >>> assert -1 <= mx.mag <= 1. >>> assert -1 <= my.mag <= 1. >>> assert np.isclose(abs(mx.mag), abs(my.mag)) ''' raise ValueError('Both magnetizations must be the same')
@bar.register(MagP64) def _ (m1, m2): _check_mag(m2, cls=MagP64) return MagP64( np.clip((m1.mag - m2.mag) / (1. - m1.mag * m2.mag), -1., 1.) ) @bar.register(MagT64) def _ (m1, m2): _check_mag(m2, cls=MagT64) return MagT64(m1.mag - m2.mag)
[docs]@singledispatch def log1pxy (x, y): ''' Compute the log1p for the combination of the magnetizations Parameters ---------- x : Mag object The input variable y : Mag object The input variable Returns ------- res : float The result of the operation Notes ----- .. note:: The computation of the function is different from MagP64 and MagT64. - In MagP64 the computation is equivalent to np.log((1. + (x.mag * y.mag)) * 0.5) - In MagT64 the computation takes care of possible number overflows ''' raise ValueError('Both magnetizations must be the same')
@log1pxy.register(MagP64) def _ (x, y): _check_mag(y, MagP64) return np.log((1. + (x.mag * y.mag)) * .5) @log1pxy.register(MagT64) def _ (x, y): _check_mag(y, MagT64) ax = x.mag ay = y.mag if not np.isinf(ax) and not np.isinf(ay): return abs(ax + ay) - abs(ax) - abs(ay) + lr(ax + ay) - lr(ax) - lr(ay) elif np.isinf(ax) and not np.isinf(ay): return np.sign(ax) * ay - abs(ay) - lr(ay) elif not np.isinf(ax) and np.isinf(ay): return np.sign(ay) * ax - abs(ax) - lr(ax) elif np.sign(ax) == np.sign(ay): return 0 else: return float('Inf')
[docs]@singledispatch def mcrossentropy (x, y): ''' Compute the crossentropy score for magnetization objects Parameters ---------- x : Mag objects Input variable y : Mag objects Input variable Returns ------- res : float The resulting crossentropy score Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagT64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> >>> x = mag.mcrossentropy(MagT64(-float('Inf')), MagT64(float('Inf'))) >>> assert np.isinf(x) >>> >>> x = mag.mcrossentropy(MagP64(0.), MagP64(0.)) >>> assert np.isclose(x, np.log(2)) >>> >>> x = mag.mcrossentropy(MagP64(0.), MagP64(1.)) >>> assert np.isnan(x) >>> >>> x = mag.mcrossentropy(MagP64(1.), MagP64(1.)) >>> assert np.isnan(x) >>> >>> x = mag.mcrossentropy(MagT64(0.), MagT64(0.)) >>> y = mag.mcrossentropy(MagT64(1.), MagT64(0.)) >>> assert np.isclose(x, y) >>> >>> x = mag.mcrossentropy(MagT64(float('Inf')), MagT64(float('Inf'))) >>> assert np.isclose(x, 0.) >>> >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> y = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> mag.mcrossentropy(x, y) ValueError('Both magnetizations must be the same') Notes ----- .. note:: The computation of the mcrossentropy is different from MagP64 and MagT64. - In MagP64 the computation is equivalent to -x.mag * np.arctanh(y.mag) - np.log1p(- y.mag**2) * .5 + np.log(2) - In MagT64 the computation is equivalent to -abs(y.mag) * (sign0(y.mag) * x.value - 1.) + lr(y.mag) ''' raise ValueError('Both magnetizations must be the same')
@mcrossentropy.register(MagP64) def _ (x, y): _check_mag(y, MagP64) return -x.mag * np.arctanh(y.mag) - np.log1p(- y.mag**2) * .5 + np.log(2) @mcrossentropy.register(MagT64) def _ (x, y): _check_mag(y, MagT64) if not np.isinf(y.mag): return -abs(y.mag) * (sign0(y.mag) * x.value - 1.) + lr(y.mag) elif np.sign(x.value) != np.sign(y.mag): return float('inf') else: return 0.
[docs]@singledispatch def logZ (u0, u): ''' ''' raise ValueError('Both magnetizations must be the same')
@logZ.register(MagP64) def _ (u0, u): if not isinstance(u, Iterable): raise ValueError('zeros takes an iterable object in input') if not all(isinstance(i, MagP64) for i in u): raise ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be an iterable of Mags') prod = lambda args: reduce(op.mul, args, 1) zkip = (1. + u0.mag) * .5 * prod( ((1. + x.mag) * .5 for x in u) ) zkim = (1. - u0.mag) * .5 * prod( ((1. - x.mag) * .5 for x in u) ) return np.log( zkip + zkim ) @logZ.register(MagT64) def _ (u0, u): if not isinstance(u, Iterable): raise ValueError('zeros takes an iterable object in input') if not all(isinstance(i, MagT64) for i in u): raise ValueError('Incompatible type found. x must be an iterable of Mags') s1 = sum((i.mag for i in u if not np.isinf(i.mag))) s1 += 0. if np.isinf(u0.mag) else u0.mag s2 = sum((abs(i.mag) for i in u if not np.isinf(i.mag))) s2 += 0. if np.isinf(u0.mag) else u0.mag s3 = sum((lr(i.mag) for i in u if not np.isinf(i.mag))) s3 += 0. if np.isinf(u0.mag) else lr(u0.mag) hasinf = np.sign(u0.mag) if np.isinf(u0.mag) else 0. for i in u: if hasinf == 0.: hasinf = np.sign(i.mag) elif hasinf != np.sign(i.mag): return -float('Inf') return np.abs(s1) - s2 + lr(s1) - s3
[docs]@singledispatch def auxmix (H, ap, am): ''' Combine three MagT64 magnetizations Parameters ---------- H : MagT64 object Input variable ap : float Input variable am : float Input variable Returns ------- m : MagT64 object The result of the mix Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> y = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> >>> mx = mag.auxmix(MagT64(0.), x, y) >>> assert mx.mag == 0. >>> >>> m = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> mag.auxmix(m, y, x) ValueError('H must be a MagT64 magnetization type') Notes ----- .. note:: This operation is valid only for MagT64 variables up to now ''' raise ValueError('H must be a MagT64 magnetization type')
@auxmix.register(MagT64) def _ (H, ap, am): if H.mag == 0.: return MagT64(0.) else: xH = H.mag + ap xh = H.mag + am a_ap = abs(ap) a_am = abs(am) if np.isinf(H.mag): if not np.isinf(ap) and not np.isinf(am): t1 = np.sign(H.mag) * (ap - am) - a_ap + a_am t2 = -lr(ap) + lr(am) elif np.isinf(ap) and not np.isinf(am): t1 = -np.sign(H.mag) * am + a_am if np.sign(ap) == np.sign(H.mag) else -2. * H.mInf t2 = lr(am) if np.sign(ap) == np.sign(H.mag) else 0. elif not np.isinf(ap) and np.isinf(am): t1 = np.sign(H.mag) * ap + a_ap if np.sign(am) == np.sign(H.mag) else 2. * H.mInf t2 = -lr(ap) if np.sign(am) == np.sign(H.mag) else 0. else: t2 = 0. if (np.sign(ap) == np.sign(H.mag) and np.sign(am) == np.sign(H.mag) ) or (np.sign(ap) != np.sign(H.mag) and np.sign(am) != np.sign(H.mag)): t1 = 0. elif np.sign(ap) == np.sign(H.mag): t1 = 2. * H.mInf else: t1 = -2. * H.mInf else: t1 = 0 if not np.isinf(ap): t1 += abs(xH) - a_ap if not np.isinf(am): t1 -= abs(xh) - a_am t2 = np.log( (np.exp(2. * abs(xH)) + 1.) * (np.exp(2. * abs(am)) + 1.) / ((np.exp(2. * abs(ap)) + 1.) * (np.exp(2. * abs(xh)) + 1.))) - 2. * abs(xH) + 2. * abs(ap) + 2. * abs(xh) - 2. * abs(am) return MagT64((t1 + t2) * .5)
[docs]@singledispatch def erfmix (H, mp, mm): ''' Combine three magnetizations with the erf Parameters ---------- H : Mag object Input variable mp : float Input variable mm : float Input variable Returns ------- m : Mag object The result of the mix Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> m = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> >>> mx = mag.erfmix(MagP64(0.), x, x) >>> assert np.isclose(mx.mag, 0.) >>> >>> mx = mag.erfmix(m, 0., 0.) >>> assert np.isclose(mx.mag, 0.) Notes ----- .. note:: The computation of the erfmix is different from MagP64 and MagT64. - In MagP64 the computation is equivalent to H.mag * (erf(mp) - erf(mm)) / (2. + H.mag * (erf(mp) + erf(mm))) - In MagT64 the computation is equivalent to auxmix(H, atanherf(mp), atanherf(mm)) ''' raise ValueError('H must be a magnetization (MagP64 or MagT64)')
@erfmix.register(MagP64) def _ (H, mp, mm): if all((not isinstance(i, BaseMag) for i in (mp, mm))): arg = H.mag * (erf(mp) - erf(mm)) / (2. + H.mag * (erf(mp) + erf(mm))) return MagP64(arg) else: raise ValueError('Input variables must be all not magnetization types') @erfmix.register(MagT64) def _ (H, mp, mm): if all((not isinstance(i, BaseMag) for i in (mp, mm))): return auxmix(H, atanherf(mp), atanherf(mm)) else: raise ValueError('Input variables must be all not magnetization types')
[docs]@singledispatch def exactmix (H, pp, pm): ''' Combine exactly three magnetizations Parameters ---------- H : Mag object Input variable pp : Mag object Input variable pm : Mag object Input variable Returns ------- m : Mag object The result of the mix Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import MagP64 >>> from ReplicatedFocusingBeliefPropagation import magnetization as mag >>> >>> x = np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.) >>> m = MagP64(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=1.)) >>> >>> mag.exactmix(m, [x], [m]) ValueError('Input variables must magnetizations (MagP64 or MagT64)') >>> >>> mx = mag.exactmix(MagP64(0.), m, m) >>> assert np.isclose(x.mag, 0.) >>> >>> mx = mag.exactmix(m, m, m) >>> assert np.isclose(mx.mag, 0.) Notes ----- .. note:: The computation of the exactmix is different from MagP64 and MagT64. - In MagP64 the computation is equivalent to (pp.mag - pm.mag) * H.mag / (2. + (pp.mag + pm.mag) * H.mag) - In MagT64 the computation is equivalent to auxmix(H, pp.mag, pm.mag) ''' raise ValueError('Input variables must magnetizations (MagP64 or MagT64)')
@exactmix.register(MagP64) def _ (H, pp, pm): if all((isinstance(i, MagP64) for i in (pp, pm))): arg = (pp.mag - pm.mag) * H.mag / (2. + (pp.mag + pm.mag) * H.mag) return MagP64(arg) else: raise ValueError('Input variables must be all the same magnetization (MagP64 or MagT64)') @exactmix.register(MagT64) def _ (H, pp, pm): if all((isinstance(i, MagT64) for i in (pp, pm))): return auxmix(H, pp.mag, pm.mag) else: raise ValueError('Input variables must be all the same magnetization (MagP64 or MagT64)')