CMake C++ InstallationΒΆ

We recommend to use CMake for the installation since it is the most automated way to reach your needs. First of all make sure you have a sufficient version of CMake installed (3.9 minimum version required). If you are working on a machine without root privileges and you need to upgrade your CMake version a valid solution to overcome your problems is provided shut.

With a valid CMake version installed first of all clone the project as:

git clone
cd rFBP

The you can build the rFBP package with

mkdir -p build
cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . --target install

or more easily


if you are working on a Windows machine the right script to call is the build.ps1.


If you want enable the OpenMP support (4.5 version is required) compile the library with -DOMP=ON.


If you want enable the Scorer support compile the library with -DSCORER=ON. If you want use a particular installation of the Scorer library or you have manually installed the library following the README instructions, we suggest to add the -DScorer_DIR=/path/to/scorer/shared/scorer in the command line.


If you want enable the Cython support compile the library with -DPYWRAP=ON. The Cython packages will be compiled and correctly positioned in the rFBP Python package BUT you need to run also the setup before use it.


If you use MagT configuration, please download the atanherf coefficients file before running any executable. You can find a downloader script inside the scripts folder. Enter in that folder and just run python